/manager/Index en-au 5 Sex Differences in the Feasibility of Aerobic Exercise Training for Improving Cardiometabolic Health Outcomes in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes /manager/Repository/uon:54498 Wed 28 Feb 2024 16:24:51 AEDT ]]> Allied Health Professionals' Views on the Use of 3D Food Printing to Improve the Mealtime Quality of Life for People With Dysphagia: Impact, Cost, Practicality, and Potential /manager/Repository/uon:51967 Wed 28 Feb 2024 10:04:45 AEDT ]]> Brief cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders symptomatology among a mixed sample of adolescents and young adults in primary care: A non-randomised feasibility and pilot study /manager/Repository/uon:55731 Wed 19 Jun 2024 09:47:51 AEST ]]> Cross-sectional survey to inform the development of a telehealth support model: a feasibility study for women undergoing breast cancer surgery /manager/Repository/uon:36903 Wed 17 Nov 2021 16:30:02 AEDT ]]> Feasibility of targeting Hispanic fathers and children in an obesity intervention: Papás Saludables Niños Saludables /manager/Repository/uon:47185 Healthy Dads Healthy Kids was the first obesity prevention intervention targeting fathers and demonstrated weight loss among fathers and behavior change among fathers and children in Australia. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of a culturally adapted version of the program for Hispanic families, Papás Saludables Niños Saludables. Methods: A randomized waitlist controlled trial with a process evaluation was conducted to assess the feasibility of Papás Saludables Niños Saludables(NCT03532048). Fathers, their partner (mother), and one to three children were enrolled. A priori feasibility criteria were: (1) recruit 40 Hispanic fathers and their families in ≤4 months; (2) retain 80% of participants for pre- and postassessments; (3) maintain ≥70% attendance to the 10 sessions; (4) obtain 80% “excellent” or “good” satisfaction from participants; and (5) collect anthropometric and behavioral data on ≥75% of participants at baseline and follow-up. Results: The study enrolled 90% (n = 36) of the goal from one local pediatric clinic between May and August 2018; retained 75% of participants for postassessment; maintained 72% attendance among those who started the program; and achieved 100% “excellent/good” satisfaction ratings among the participating fathers and mothers. One hundred percent of participants had most anthropometric and behavioral data at baseline and 72% at follow-up. Conclusions: With oversampling and improvements in the recruitment strategies, Papás Saludables Niños Saludables is feasible for a randomized controlled clinical trial to address whether a father-targeted lifestyle program is efficacious among low-income Hispanic men and their children.]]> Wed 14 Dec 2022 16:03:05 AEDT ]]> The impact of group singing on stroke recovery: a feasibility study of the BrainWaves Choir /manager/Repository/uon:54400 Wed 13 Mar 2024 14:18:27 AEDT ]]> Feasibility indicators in obesity-related behavioral intervention preliminary studies: a historical scoping review /manager/Repository/uon:52429 Wed 11 Oct 2023 12:07:39 AEDT ]]> Fish oil supplementation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial /manager/Repository/uon:31124 Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:45:05 AEST ]]> Moxibustion for cephalic version: a feasibility randomised controlled trial /manager/Repository/uon:14329 Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:15:55 AEST ]]> Addressing smoking and other health risk behaviours using a novel telephone-delivered intervention for homeless people: a proof-of-concept study /manager/Repository/uon:17136 Wed 11 Apr 2018 09:35:31 AEST ]]> ‘Positive Talk for Positive Health’: piloting a telephone support service for people living with HIV /manager/Repository/uon:38635 Wed 07 Feb 2024 15:02:17 AEDT ]]> Appendix to 'Dynamics of the Douglas-Rachford method for ellipses and p-spheres' /manager/Repository/uon:26363 Wed 05 Sep 2018 18:27:57 AEST ]]> Individualised music intervention for people with dementia: a mixed methods implementation study /manager/Repository/uon:36552 Tue 30 Jun 2020 12:45:46 AEST ]]> Circumcentering Reflection Methods for Nonconvex Feasibility Problems /manager/Repository/uon:49115 Tue 30 Apr 2024 09:31:00 AEST ]]> Feasibility of internet-delivered mental health treatments for rural populations /manager/Repository/uon:13827 Tue 24 Aug 2021 14:26:45 AEST ]]> Guidance for conducting feasibility and pilot studies for implementation trials /manager/Repository/uon:38716 Tue 18 Jan 2022 16:08:15 AEDT ]]> Process Evaluation of a Personality Targeted Intervention for Addictive Eating in Australian Adults. /manager/Repository/uon:41951 Tue 16 Aug 2022 14:31:27 AEST ]]> Physiotherapy using a free-standing robotic exoskeleton for patients with spinal cord injury: a feasibility study /manager/Repository/uon:44350 Tue 11 Oct 2022 19:35:43 AEDT ]]> Dynamics of the Douglas-Rachford method for ellipses and p-spheres /manager/Repository/uon:34529 Tue 03 Sep 2019 18:08:17 AEST ]]> Factors Underlying Patient and Surgeon Willingness to Participate in a Placebo Surgery Controlled trial /manager/Repository/uon:49990 Thu 22 Jun 2023 14:05:34 AEST ]]> Adaptation and feasibility of START online, a multicomponent intervention for Australian carers of people with dementia: a pilot randomised controlled trial /manager/Repository/uon:54812 Thu 14 Mar 2024 14:31:38 AEDT ]]> Feasibility and acceptability of MindReach: a telephone-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) workbook intervention for alcohol and other drug use /manager/Repository/uon:56326 Thu 05 Sep 2024 15:25:38 AEST ]]> Recruitment rate for a clinical trial was associated with particular operational procedures and clinician characteristics /manager/Repository/uon:20056 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:00:13 AEDT ]]> Comprehensive stroke units: a review of comparative evidence and experience /manager/Repository/uon:18958 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:58:56 AEDT ]]> Recent results on Douglas-Rachford methods for combinatorial optimization problems /manager/Repository/uon:28771 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:23:45 AEDT ]]> Teachers perceptions of a fundamental movement skill (FMS) assessment battery in a school setting /manager/Repository/uon:24060 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:09:38 AEDT ]]> Medical Student Experiences of Engaging in a Psychological Flexibility Skill Training App for Burnout and Well-being: Pilot Feasibility Study /manager/Repository/uon:53248 Mon 20 Nov 2023 10:15:18 AEDT ]]> Survey: sixty years of Douglas-Rachford /manager/Repository/uon:39811 feasibility problems of the following form: Find x∈⋂ⁿₖ₌₁ Sₖ . The success of the method in the context of closed, convex, nonempty sets S₁,...,Sₙ is well known and understood from a theoretical standpoint. However, its performance in the nonconvex context is less well understood, yet it is surprisingly impressive. This was particularly compelling to Jonathan M. Borwein who, intrigued by Elser, Rankenburg and Thibault’s success in applying the method to solving sudoku puzzles, began an investigation of his own. We survey the current body of literature on the subject, and we summarize its history. We especially commemorate Professor Borwein’s celebrated contributions to the area.]]> Fri 24 Jun 2022 09:28:05 AEST ]]> Fractional exhaled nitric oxide-based asthma management: the feasibility of its implementation into antenatal care in New South Wales, Australia /manager/Repository/uon:39970 Fri 15 Jul 2022 10:18:15 AEST ]]>